2017 means my gig as editor for the Poetry Project Newsletter is almost up. I’m really pleased with all the issues that have managed to come together while I’ve been holding the reins. Poetry Project Newsletter #248 is now available online here. Issue #248 features:
- Memorials for Ted Greenwald and Bill Berkson from Kit Robinson, Miles Champion, Duncan McNaughton and Julien Poirier.
- A conversation between Edwin Torres, Tracie Morris & Édgar Javier Ulloa
- Brandon Brown on Robert Glück
- Art from Katharine Betty (KB) Jones
- Poetry from Matt Longabucco
- Reviews: Lisa Jarnot on Lisa Birman (ed.); Michael Gottlieb on Robert Fitterman; Rachel Levitsky on Miles Champion (ed.); Jess Mynes on John Godfrey; Dia Felix on Garrett Caples and more!
Thanks to all who contributed to this issue.