After training at University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness in April, I’m now a qualified MBSR teacher. I’ve had the great good fortune to spend time since then on silent retreat, allowing me space and time to reflect and absorb.
I attended Insight Meditation Community of Washington‘s week-long Intimacy with Life retreat with Tara Brach, La Sarmiento, Kate Johnson and Jonathan Foust. When we broke silence at the end of the week, one of the participants shared that the week had felt more like an attack than a retreat. Silence can really feel like that, total attack. It can also be a space for bliss, for anything. Spaciousness can hold everything.
I’m only home for another week or so before I’m off to Barre, Massachusetts for the PoC Retreat at Insight Meditation Center. I’m VERY EXCITED about this opportunity to sit a whole retreat in community with friends and family. Less attack maybe, more retreat.